Hello! I’m Susi and I have healing hands. With my hands on, no nonsense approach I can help you feel healthier and more alive with my massages, healings and health readings and simple advice.


Do you have trouble with your health or simply wish to improve your health? Try one of my healings!

I have healing hands and I found that I can often heal or improve people’s health.

When I heal you there are several ways I can do this. I can focus on what you would like me to focus on. At the same time my natural gift often tells me where to focus to best help you get healthier even if that is not obvious on the surface. 

The effects my healing has varies per person. A sample of what I haven been able to do for people:

– help them fall asleep easier

– lessening pain

– getting rid of or lessening a migraine

– helping muscles and tendons relax and rebuild

– helping the body rebuild after trauma

– lessening lower back pain

– making it easier to breathe

– relieve coughing, help faster recovery from colds and respiratory problems

– help digestive issues such as help bowels release when constipated

Something else I can do for you is to give you an intuitive read on if there is anything that you can do in your life to help you get healthy. Such as certain foods to eat or avoid, certain body parts to massage, to take baths regularly, certain exercise to do or to avoid. There have been many situations where my advice has given unexpected relief and improvements.